Welcome note

Welcome to the report of the Design Council / HEFCE fact finding visit to the US. As part of the process to develop and implement recommendations from the 'Cox Review of Creativity in Business' in the UK, a group of academics, officials and policy makers visited universities and design firms in California, Chicago and Boston. We were looking at multidisciplinary centres and courses that combine management, technology and design in order to develop creative and innovative graduates and businesses. Insights and information from the visit will inform proposals that UK universities and regional bodies are developing in response to the Cox review.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Useful Information and Contact Details

Mobile: +44 (0)7966 665524

Mobile: +44 (0)7966 233007

Ken Newton
Mobile -07711 376678
Home - 0161 445 1459

General Enquiries

Stanford Terrace Hotel

The Whitehall Hotel

Hotel @ MIT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might want to correct Lesley's mobile number - it ends 233 001 - not 233 007 !
Hope the trip goes well