Welcome note

Welcome to the report of the Design Council / HEFCE fact finding visit to the US. As part of the process to develop and implement recommendations from the 'Cox Review of Creativity in Business' in the UK, a group of academics, officials and policy makers visited universities and design firms in California, Chicago and Boston. We were looking at multidisciplinary centres and courses that combine management, technology and design in order to develop creative and innovative graduates and businesses. Insights and information from the visit will inform proposals that UK universities and regional bodies are developing in response to the Cox review.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Thoughts on creativity and how it feeds business through the people who know about it, use it or teach it? By Ken Newton

As Important as processes going on within them, both in education and business. ( D school)
Homes for wayward Thinkers
Flexible to reflect changing needs during “The Process”

Concentrate on creating Innovators rather than innovations; former will lead to latter.
Mix students and professionals both ways.
T shape people
Use psychologists to help create and support creative thinkong in a zone that does not use data as a support.
Interdisciplinary to reduce internal competition of teams.
Staff as coaches rather than “sages on stages”

Moving from being told what to do and knowing who to please to decding what to do and who and how to please.
Some students “get it”, some don’t; these have to unlearn, but how is this done………….
Question whether required outputs can be achieved within University structures. “We don’t care what Stanford does” – D School
Reward failures in applying processes, but avoid producing “Lifelong Losers”.

Traditional model of Design Process seems to retain currency; activities within it have changed, particularly in terms of information gathering. Ie Ethno / Anthro study, prototyping for Information etc.
Team activities with internal hierarchies ; Designer holds microphone in Video studies.

LET not Make it happen. Create environments, curricula, teams, reward structures that support it.
Develop confidence in intuitive approaches.
Respect required for Design Thinking.

Anything that motivates students but is ethical, and has appropriate scope and scale to allow all aspects of Design Process to be engaged, particularly prototyping in an appropriate way.

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